Did you that more than 80% of the internet users search online for information non local products/ services before they even visit the store for a big purchase?
These staggering statics show how important is it to understand the online consumers’ behaviour even before we create our presence on digital platforms like social media.
Unlike the traditional media, the digital media users are exposed to unlimited information and hence its extremely distracting. The constant flow of news about global affairs, advertisements etc makes it very difficult for the digital consumer to filter out stiff that he needs.
The attention span of online consumers is decreasing day by day due thesedistractions and noises. According to one statistic, the attention span of a user is just 8 seconds and hence if they are searching for something online and your page happens to appear at the top of the search result and if they happen to click on it and the page doesn’t load within 8 seconds, it will turn off the customer.
The attention span of online consumers is decreasing day by day due thesedistractions and noises. According to one statistic, the attention span of a user is just 8 seconds and hence if they are searching for something online and your page happens to appear at the top of the search result and if they happen to click on it and the page doesn’t load within 8 seconds, it will turn off the customer.
Hence, its imperative for a marketer to consider these things while designing the marketing strategies.


Its not enough to know the amount of time spent by consumers’ online, but itsalso important to understand their decision-making process. How they navigate the various stages of the buying process is represented by the “Consumer funnel”.

There are many stages in a consumer funnel. They are:
1. Awareness: This is the stage where the customer becomes aware of his
needs based on his pain points and from the Brand’s perspective, this is
when the user becomes aware of the brand.
2. Consideration: This is the stage when the user starts considering different
options and starts evaluating your brand too as one of the options.
3. Purchase: This is the stage when the customer makes the decision of
buying the product.
4. Delight: This is when the customer uses the product, experiences the
product and derives the same level of satisfaction as he had expected.
5. Advocacy: This is when the customer is super happy with the product and
hence becomes the advocate of the products and starts recommending the


Let us now look at a scenario of a customer from online and offline perspective. Let’s say if a person is looking to buy a car.
In a traditional setup, he might come across some ad in the newspaper about an offer on Hyundai car and he plans to buy it. He will call the dealer whose number is given in the ad, set up a test drive. After this, he might visit the showroom, evaluate the finance options, compare other cars in the market viz-a-viz the performance, ask friends/family for their opinion and then make a purchase decision.
However, in a digital scenario. The customer has the benefit of more information and the marketer has the benefit of a lot more avenues to reach e the customer.
If a digital customer comes across an ad for a car on a social network and clicks the ad, he reaches the landing page where he can get details on the price, different variants, performance etc.
He can then visit a site like to compare prices, check the reviews online and conduct all such activities before he makes the purchase decision.
Also, there might be a combination both online and off line funnel a customer might go thru before the purchase decision. He might compare prices online but might get feedback from his friends offline.
All these activities by the customer gives a great advantage for a marketer to reach the customer at various touch points.
Now will the customer always go thru this funnel in a linear fashion or is there a variation based on the channel he is using to gain information. This is some food for your thought. Do think about it?